I'm Neel. In 2002 I started my personal growth path approaching Buddhism, thanks to that I could understand, that we are a unique element that vibrates called Love.
I approached yoga 9 years ago, not as a practitioner, but as an interior designer. The owner of a yoga retreat center called me to decorate some spaces. I started the work in the center and perceived a different energy in the people who frequented the center. Curious about it, and feeling the need to change some things in my life and in my body, I started practicing yoga.
I did the RYS yoga alliance training and became a Kundalini yoga teacher, thanks to the teachings of the teacher Baba Shiva, a strong change in my life had begun.
In 2018 I traveled to India and began to train as a teacher of Tantra and Dancing Soul, which have enriched my growth as a teacher, opening new paths to the awareness of who we are and how we work energetically. The points on which I try to work are the channels and wheels of energy, which if activated in the right way, activate our natural creativity.
My job now is to share my experiences with other people, an important part of my life, but at the same time receive their experiences and love, to every kind of Yoga, Meditation, Mantra, Tantra or Dancing Soul, enriching my path.
Hello, I'm Fabrizio from Italy and I currently live in Barcelona.
I am a practitioner of hatha and kundalini yoga and I really like healthy vegetarian food.
I have always been very interested in the communication between two bodies, as is the balance of the body energy through massage, capable of providing the well being of the person.
I started to explore the great science of Ayurveda and massage, practicing in Rome a few years ago.
In 2018 I continued my Ayurveda learning thanks to Dr. Urja from Rasovai in India, where I learned and practiced ayurveda yoga, abhyanga and shirodhara massage.
What makes me happy is knowing that people who receive the massage can feel very well after treatment.
See you soon!